Author - Constantin Nutu

Incremental Cost: How to Calculate and Use It for Decision Making and Cost Benefit Analysis

Incremental costs are also referred to as the differential costs and they may be the relevant costs for certain short run decisions involving two alternatives. Costs are determined differently by each organization according to its overhead cost structure. The separation of fixed costs and variable costs and determination of...


Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping

Bookkeepers use an accounting journal or an online accounting program to keep track of each transaction and the purpose of the transaction. Bookkeepers also handle payroll and payroll taxes, send invoices, handle accounts payable and keep track of overdue accounts. Without a great bookkeeper, your company could be losing thousands...


Book Value Per Common Share BVPS: Definition and Calculation

Assume XYZ repurchases 200,000 shares staff accountant job description of stock, and 800,000 shares remain outstanding. We need to divide the shareholders' equity available to common stockholders by the number of common shares. Book value indicates the difference between the total assets and the total liabilities, and when the...


The pharmacology and toxicology of ecstasy MDMA and related drugs PMC

It is notable that the motivation for ingesting these substances was reported as “getting high” in only 22% of ADHD patients, but more often reported as self-medication for tiredness resulting from disturbed sleep (38% of ADHD patients) or self-medication of impaired mood (most ADHD patients). ADHD affects a great part...


Metatrader 5: как скачать, обучение, инструкция

Чтобы совершить сделку на продажу, нажмите "Sell", для книга metatrader 4 сделки на покупку нажмите "Buy". В данном разделе приведена основная информация, необходимая для начала работы в торговой платформе. Скачать рабочую платформу можно несколькими способами, например, через сайт брокера, напрямую от разработчиков или в каталоге приложений PlayMarket или AppStore....


11 Top Free Accounting & Bookkeeping Software Apps for 2022

So while Kashoo isn’t as comprehensive as competitors like QuickBooks, Xero, and FreshBooks, its customer service reputation is a definite point in its favor. In spite of its excellent reports and recurring invoices, though, FreshBooks falls short in a few bookkeeping areas. Most notably, its cheapest plan doesn’t include double-entry...